Monday, October 12, 2009

El invierno llego / The winter is over here

De las aves se que tienen alas para volar,
de los peces que ellos tienen aletas para nadar,
de las bestias salvajes que tienen patas para correr.
Para las patas hay trampas, para las aletas redes,
para las alas flechas.
¿Pero quien conoce como los Dragones  superan los vientos y las nubes en el cielo?.
Hoy he visto...... y el es un Dragon.

Of birds I know that they have wings to fly with,
of fish that they have fins to swim with,
of wild beasts that they have feet to run with.
For feet there are traps, for fins net, for wings arrows.
But who knows how Dragons surmount wind and cloud into heaven?
This day I have seen .....and he is a Dragon

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The beauty of nature motivates and inspires my photography. It nourishes my artistic sensibility and restores my spiritual balance.
In landscapes of silent rock, reflecting water, and parting cloud, I feel most connected to myself and to life itself.
In the clarity of wilderness light, my mind and my heart are soothed and uplifted by the serenity of Mother Earth.
These are landscapes of, and for, my spirit.
Anchorage, sun rise